Strong turnout for NBN information session
Posted August 30, 2019
More than 30 residents attended a National Broadband Network (NBN) information session at Inglewood on Wednesday night hosted by the Federal Member for Mayo Rebekha Sharkie.

Photograph: Federal Member for Mayo Rebekha Sharkie and NBN Co’s South Australian and Northern Territory Local Manager Kym Morgan at the information session at the Inglewood Inn.
“It was a great turnout for a cold winter’s evening and demonstrated the depth of the community interest in the NBN and accessing reliable internet more generally,” Rebekha said this week.
“This is a community that was hit hard by the 2015 Sampson Flat Bushfire so telecommunications is considered a public safety issue as well as being essential for business, education and day-to-day living.
“There were some insightful questions about the fixed wireless and satellite technology mix in the district and how resilient they were in power blackouts and in bushfire events.
“I thought the evening was an excellent opportunity for local residents to ask direct questions to an NBN Co representative regarding what the roll-out means for them.”
Main speaker for the evening was NBN Co’s South Australian and Northern Territory Local Manager Kym Morgan who spoke about the progress of the National Broadband Network roll-out nationally and outlined the technology choice for the Inglewood, Houghton and Paracombe district.
“It was great to talk with the Houghton and Inglewood communities about their NBN options,” Kym said.
“We’re really committed to delivering improved connectivity to all parts of the Hills.
"Educating people about NBN and what our various technologies can deliver continues to be really important as we near full completion of the rollout.”
Three other NBN information sessions are planned at Lenswood on September 25, Mylor on October 30, and Meadows on November 6. More details here.
NBN Background Mayo
- Fixed line [which covers Fibre To The Premises FTTP; Fibre To The Building FTTB, Fibre To The Curb FTTC and Fibre To The Node FTTN] take-up in Mayo is 70%.
- State average of fixed line take-up is 60% and the national average is 50%.
- Around 46,000 premises out of a potential 66,000 eligible premises in Mayo have connected to fixed line NBN (approximate figures).
- 28,000 have FTTP, 35,000 are allocated FTTN and around 2000 are allocated other fixed line services (approximate figures).
- 15,600 premises are eligible for fixed wireless NBN and 5300 premises have connected to fixed wireless (approximate figures). This 34% take-up is about average.
- 5630 premises have been assigned satellite technology in Mayo.