This expression of interest form is designed to assist our panel identify eligible projects to nominate for funding. Please note that this form simply registers your group’s interest in applying for the funding and does not constitute a formal application. If nominated by our office, your group will then receive a separate invitation from the Department of Social Services, requesting you submit a formal online application.
When applying, please keep in mind this opportunity is open to not-for-profit groups with a minimum of 40% volunteers on staff. If you would like to clarify your eligibility prior to submitting an EOI click here to access the program guidelines.
To complete this form, please provide an answer to each of the fields listed below. Once complete, you will receive an email to the nominated addresses confirming your submission and providing a copy of the application for your group’s reference.
EOIs for this grant opportunity closed at 5pm on Tuesday 7 January. To ensure your organisation is registered to receive future updates from our office, please reach out to have an email address added to our grants mailing list.