build, fit out, alterations and/or extensions to a tourism premise available to interstate or overseas tourists
information signage of people, places, of natural local significance
establish new or update to a website/social media presence that supports or encourages interstate or international tourism
establish new or update to a website/social media presence to support newly arrived immigrants who are not citizens
support towards NAIDOC week celebrations
information signage for places of First Nations significance
purchase of First Nation themed uniforms
installation of First Nations art in public spaces
construction of or upgrade to a First Nations cultural space
build, fit out, alterations and/or extensions to a premise for the specific purpose of providing services to First Nations persons
installation or upgrade to a native garden
upgrades to existing or installation of new war memorials
signage or flags (information, themed and or national) that commemorate Australians killed or injured war or who contributed to Australias war efforts
build, fit out, alterations and/or extensions to a premise specifically available to support Veterans and/or Defence Force members and their families
establish new or update to a website/social media presence to support and/or commemorate veterans and Defence Force members and their families and communities
localised welcoming and/or information events for newly arrived immigrants who are not citizens
establish new or update to a website/social media presence to support newly arrived immigrants who are not citizens
acquisition and installation of the highest energy efficient appliances/systems available and relevant to your requirements/available funding
acquisition and installation of renewable energy sources
acquisition and installation of renewable energy storage
acquisition and installation of native or drought tolerant vegetation suitable to local conditions
acquisition and installation of energy efficient windows and or window attachments relevant to your localised requirements/available funding
new or upgrades to disability access and or amenities in public buildings or facilities
construction of or upgrade to child friendly spaces/facilities at airports
construction of or upgrade to child friendly spaces/facilities at community supported accommodation
construction of or upgrade to child friendly spaces/facilities at child- care/education/health care services
provision of women's facilities at sporting grounds/buildings
provision of gender-neutral facilities for public access
construction of or upgrade to parent rooms at sporting grounds/buildings and or public spaces
construction of or upgrade to breastfeeding rooms at sporting grounds/buildings and or public spaces
purchase and installation of defibrillator/s and or other first aid equipment, including first aid kits
upgrade to or construction of first aid rooms/spaces
upgrades to public libraries and/or community facilities to benefit pre-school, school and university students
purchase and installation of ICT equipment and or software in public libraries and/or community facilities to benefit pre-school, school and university students
establish new or update to a website/social media presence for a public library and/or community facility to benefit pre-school, school and university students
purchase, establish new or update to a website/social media presence
purchase of applications (apps) that deliver social benefits to your community
purchase of customer relationship management (CRM) systems and/or software that deliver social benefits to your community
purchase and or installation of audio-visual equipment that deliver social benefits to your community
purchase and or installation of ICT equipment that deliver social benefits to your community
installation of or upgrades to electrical works to allow or enhance the use of ICT equipment that deliver social benefits to your community