Major fail: LNP and ALP vote against Minister for Young People
Posted March 28, 2017
NXT Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore and Member for Mayo Rebekha Sharkie say the Federal Government and the Opposition have once again let down young people by voting against a motion calling for a Minister for Young People today.
Senator Kakoschke-Moore moved a motion in the Senate on the same terms as a motion moved yesterday in the House of Representatives by Ms Sharkie which calls on the Government to appoint a Minister for Young People and for that minister to sit within Cabinet.
“It’s incredibly disappointing the government and opposition opposed this motion,” Senator Kakoschke-Moore said.
“If the major parties are genuine about recognising the needs and aspirations of our youth then they should support the call for a Minister for Young People.
“Currently young people feel like they are being spoken at, not with, about policies that have a direct bearing on their lives and futures.
“Rather than sending a clear message that the Parliament wants to engage with Australia’s youth and that we take their needs seriously, the major parties have done the exact opposite today.”
Ms Sharkie’s motion, which was co-signed by independent Member for Indi Cath McGowan, also failed to gain the support of the major parties.
“The Government has treated this issue as a joke, so their position came as no surprise,” Ms Sharkie said.
“But for the Opposition – who do not even have a shadow spokesperson for youth – to fail to support our call to the Government and in turn, fail young people, is a disgrace.
“If they are serious about being a genuine alternative to our current government then they should be leading the way on issues such as this.”
The motion was supported by the Greens and Senator Hinch.