January Grants Newsletter 2022

13 Jan 2022
Grants newsletter 2020

Welcome to the January edition of our grants newsletter.

One of the major grant rounds released at the end of 2021 was Round 6 of the Building Better Regions Fund. This program seeks to promote projects that provide economic and social benefits to regional and remote areas. More information about this funding opportunity can be found here.

Please find below a compilation of current grant opportunities for January 2022. However, for a more comprehensive summary of business and community grants please follow the links below. When looking for grant opportunities it is best to include keywords which reflect your project and its requirements as this will assist in narrowing the number of results produced by the search.

Community Grants

Business Grants

For additional information about rural grant opportunities and financial supports which are currently available please follow this link to visit the Rural Business Support website. This leading not-for-profit group provides agribusiness services and independent support for rural farmers and owners of small businesses facing financial hardship.

As always, my team is more than happy to assist with upcoming grant opportunities and can arrange a letter of support for applications our local community groups and sporting clubs wish to make. This can be organised by contacting my Grants Officer, Rose Beltchev, at rose.beltchev@aph.gov.au. To ensure that my team is able to create a letter which best reflects you group’s proposal and the objectives it seeks to achieve we kindly ask that you provide us with two weeks notice where possible and include a copy of your application for our reference.

If I or my team can be of any assistance with grant related matters please do not hesitate to contact my office on 8398 5566. We look forward to working with you in 2022.

Kind regards

Rebekha Sharkie MP

Federal Member for Mayo



Skilling Australians Fund

This grant seeks to support the training of apprentices and trainees to assist employers in employing skilled workers to encourage innovation and growth. The project aims to support Australians in obtaining the skills and training required to work in occupations and industries which are currently in demand.

This program is open on an ongoing basis

Inspiring Australia – Science Engagement Programme

This grant seeks to provide funding by way of sponsorship for young Australians to partake in STEM engagement activities and competitions.

Max funding ranges between $2,000 and $5,000 depending on location of competition

Opened 25 October 2021 / Applications close 25 January 2022

JobMaker Hiring Credit

This grant seeks to provide businesses with a new incentive for employing job seekers aged 16-35 years. The program provides organisations with hiring credits to assist them in taking on employees to accelerate the growth rate for youth employment in Australia.

Funding provided on the basis of age / Applications close 6 October 2022

Capital Grants Program

This grant seeks to provide assistance to non-government and secondary schools wishing to improve their current capital infrastructure in instances where they may have otherwise been unable to access adequate resources.

No max funding / This program is open on an ongoing basis

Parliament and Civics Education Rebate

This rebate seeks to support student’s education regarding national democratic, historical and cultural institutions in Canberra, with the goal of improving their knowledge of Australian democracy. This program is aimed at students in years four through twelve.

This program is open on an ongoing basis

The Prime Minister’s Prize for Science Teaching in Primary Schools

This prize is given in recognition of a teacher who, through their teaching and collaboration with colleagues, has made a considerable contribution to STEM in their schools.

Max funding $50,000 / Applications close 10 February 2022

Australian Apprenticeships Incentive Program

This program offers numerous financial incentives for employers to assist them in offering apprenticeship opportunities. An allowance for living out of home is also offered to apprentices who must move in order to complete their training.

This program is open on an ongoing basis

Entrepreneurship Facilitators

This funding stream aims to assist those seeking to start a new business and create their own job. This program is offered in 23 locations across Australia including two South Australian areas.

This program is open on an ongoing basis


Our Country Our Future Funding Program

This program offers wide ranging supports to those proposing projects from brokering and facilitating partnerships to coordinating support and funding assistance. The grant has five key areas of focus noted as being opportunities for Indigenous Australians and landholders. These include conservation, urban investment, tourism, niche indigenous products and agribusiness.

This program is open on an ongoing basis

TSRA Economic Development Programme – Business Funding Scheme

This grant seeks to provide assistance to Indigenous Australians seeking to start or buy and own businesses which are commercially viable. This support may be provided through business loans at low interest rates, training for the operation of small businesses or general business support and advice.

Max funding $1M / This program is open on an ongoing basis

The Community Development Program (CDP)

The CDP operates as the Government’s remote employment and community development service. The CDP supports those seeking work in remote areas of Australia to develop their skills, identify and overcome barriers to employment and contribute to their communities. This program aims to reduce the number of job seekers who are currently reliant upon welfare supports.

This program is open on an ongoing basis

Indigenous Contemporary Music Program 2022

This program seeks to support emerging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musicians and bands. The funding seeks to provide opportunities and skills to develop musicians capacity and employment pathways in the arts industry.

Applications close 31 January 2022

Discovery Indigenous Scheme

This scheme supports basic and high-level research and training by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researchers. The aims of this scheme are to support national and international research collaboration, improve the scale and direction of research in priority areas and to support and maintain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers currently working in higher education institutions.

Applications close 16 March 2022


The Prime Minister’s Prize for Science - Prize for Innovation

This prize is awarded to celebrate and recognise the innovative translation of scientific knowledge into a product, service or process which is commercially available. It is hoped that these creations will have economic, social and, where possible, environmental benefits.

First nomination stage opened 23 November 2021 and closes 10 February 2022

Second nomination stage opens 26 April and closes 19 May 2022

This program is available on an annual basis

SA Dairy Industry Fund

This grant seeks to provide financial support for projects that provide a direct benefit to the South Australian dairy industry. The program is aimed at supporting innovative ideas that provide real ‘value for money’ and a genuine potential to improve all areas of the SA dairy industry and its supply chain. The assessment panel is especially keen to see applications which focus upon support and encouragement for local investment and value-adding. With the hope of creating new products and opening up markets in Australia and overseas.

This program is open on an ongoing basis


Balnaves Foundation Grants

This program seeks to support eligible organisations with funding to create a ‘better Australia’ through education, medical advancement and the arts. One of the key priority groups for this funding are young people.

No max funding / Applications open on an ongoing basis


Awesome Foundation Grants

This program seeks to provide financial assistance on a ‘no-strings-attached basis’ to individuals and groups working in and for their communities. Australia has been divided into a series of ‘chapters’ one of which is Fleurieu.

Max funding $1,000 / Program available on a monthly basis

Budget Direct Sponsorship

This sponsorship program provides support to organisations who offer community services and programs, promote health and wellbeing, support vulnerable Australians and strengthen their communities.

Funding amounts of $1,000, $2,5000 and $5,000 / Applications close 31 March 2022

Strengthening Rural Communities Program

This program seeks to provide small remote, rural and regional areas with financial assistance to support a range of initiatives which will assist their local community. Two streams of funding comprise this program – a smaller vital stream for areas with less than 15,000 people and a bushfire recovery stream.

Vital stream max $10,000 / Bushfire stream max $25,000

Applications close 23 November 2022

Australian Communities Foundation Grants Program

This grant seeks to support initiatives which align with the Foundation’s key areas of focus. These include: addressing inequality, strengthening democracy, providing support to indigenous communities, protecting the environment and developing vibrant and culturally rich societies.

No max funding / This program is open on an ongoing basis

IOOF Foundation Community Grants

This grant stream seeks to provide funding to support not-for-profit groups working with disadvantaged families and children, youth and members of the community living in aged care.

Max funding $60,000 / This program is open on an ongoing basis

Caterpillar Sponsorship Program

This program provides sponsorship opportunities, seeking to connect with customers and assist communities by improving overall quality of life. The partnerships entered into are selected specifically to ensure they reflect Caterpillar’s values, demonstrate technological solutions and consider the long-term impacts of the project on an environmental, social and economic level.

No max funding / Applications open on an ongoing basis

Mazda Foundation Grants

This grant seeks to provide support for a broad range of charitable projects aimed at enriching Australian communities by developing a spirit of greater connection and involvement. Please follow the link above to read in more depth about the Foundation’s aims and objectives.

No max funding / Applications close 31 March 2022

Black Spot Program

This grant provides funding to support projects which target roads on which crashes occur regularly. This funding may be used to install traffic signals and roundabouts at the sites of concern.

No max funding / This program is open on an ongoing basis

Clubs SA/IGN – Sponsorship Assistance Program

This grant seeks to provide assistance to disadvantaged groups within the community, not-for-profit community-led projects and sporting or community clubs. Projects are required to demonstrate how they will directly benefit a charity or community organisation.

Max funding $10,000 / This program is available on a monthly basis

Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days

The Government has committed $21 million to support the Agricultural Shows and Field Days occurring in 2022. Due to the high number of cancellations caused by COVID-19 it is hoped that this funding will provide operational support for these events. Funding can be claimed for eligible expenditure on events cancelled between 1 January and 31 December 2021.

Funding amount depends on number of attendees

Applications open 28 January 2022 and close 17 February 2022

Building Better Regions Fund – Community Stream

This funding seeks to support or grow ‘local events, strategic regional plans, or leadership and capability strengthening activities’ which will offer both economic and social benefits to those living in areas considered to be regional or remote. Projects which seek to improve or develop infrastructure are not eligible for this funding.

Projects may receive up to 50% or 75% for the total project cost depending on location

Applications close 10 February 2022

Bennelong Foundation

This foundation offers grants to support projects Australia wide, enabling groups to deliver a range of initiatives which directly support to local communities.

EOIs close 28 January 2022


Purves Environmental Fund

This program seeks to enable and empower groups that are striving for environmental sustainability and the preservation of biodiversity. Key areas of interest to the fund include: species loss due to habitat destruction, landscape and water management and solutions to climate change.

No max funding / This program is open on an ongoing basis

AgUp Program 2022 (Round 1)

This program seeks support projects which will contribute towards more sustainable, productive, internationally competitive and profitable Australian agricultural industries. Policies and initiatives which encourage these changes including resource management practices, innovation, self-reliance and improved access to broader markets will be prioritised.

Applications close 20 January 2022


Australian Council for the Arts – Arts Projects

This program seeks to fund activities which provide benefits to the arts sector and more broadly, the general public. A wide range of activities may be funded using this grant including professional development, the creation of new work, festivals, exhibitions and the promotion of artistic material among others. This funding is available to both groups and individual artists.

Max funding $50,000 / Applications close 1 March 2022

Community Broadcasting Grant

This grant seeks to support the creation, production and distribution of content delivered by the Australian media. It is hoped that this funding will increase community involvement and diversity in community-based broadcasting and/or assist the growth of creativity and high-quality content development.

Applications close 1 March 2022

Culture, Heritage and Arts Regional Tourism Grants Program

This grant provides support for community cultural, heritage and arts organisations in Australia’s regional areas who are recovering from the effects of COVID-19. The aim of the program is to encourage involvement in and access to Australian art and culture with a focus upon cultural expression and the act of sharing stories that are significant to our culture and history.

Max funding $3,000 / Applications close 29 April 2022

Leisure Event Bid

The presence of events and festivals in SA make our state a very special place and contribute a great deal to the State’s economy. This funding seeks to support the events that run during the year across our State.

This program is open on an ongoing basis

Applications must be received at least 18 months prior to the event


Farm Investment Loans

This financial support is offered to farmers with the goal of strengthening their ‘farm business.’ This loan is able to assist those in need with refinancing debt, enhancing productivity, payment of operational or capital expenses and funding drought-related activities.

Applications open on an ongoing basis

Drought Angels

This group seeks to provide assistance, food hampers, care packages and support to farming families experiencing hardship. There are a range of supports including provision of stock feed, financial guidance and inter-personal engagement and support.

This program is open on an ongoing basis

Farm Household Allowance

This grant seeks to provide farming families with practical support to evaluate their current financial situation and plan forward to address their financial security on a long-term basis.

This program is open on an ongoing basis


AIS Education Scholarship

This grant seeks to provide support for athletes to assist them in managing their education costs while training.

Max funding $5,000

Applications open March 2022 / Applications close April 2022

Sporting schools

This funding aims to increase the participation rate of students in sport and connect them to their local community by way of sporting clubs and opportunities. This program is offered to children and families to assist in building confidence and the skills required to live an active life.

This program is open on an ongoing basis


Veteran and Community Grants Program

This funding invites ex-service organisations (ESOs) or non-ESOs who operate collaboratively with an ESO to apply for financial support. It is hoped that this grant will support the delivery of projects which are sustainable and provide a long-term benefit to Australian veterans and their families, increasing the opportunity for members of the veteran community to participate in community-run activities which seek to improve their mental and physical health.

Small grants max $50,000 / Large grants max $150,000

Applications close 20 January 2022

Saluting their Service Commemorative Grants Program

This program seeks to preserve Australia’s wartime history and involve Australians in a wide range of projects and initiatives which highlight the commitment and dedication of Australian service personnel in wars, conflicts and peace operations. Funding can be put towards smaller community grants or major nation-wide projects.

Max funding $150,000 / Applications close 8 February 2022

Supporting Younger Veterans Grants Program

This program, run by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, seeks to provide funding for local, community-based projects activities. The grant is focussed upon the needs of young veterans and their families and supporting them as they transition from the Defence Force into civilian life.

Small grants max $50,000 / Large grants max $150,000

Applications close 20 January 2022

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