Government loses Murray-Darling vote in dying days of Parliament
Posted April 15, 2019
In its last days of Parliament, the Coalition Government has lost another symbolic vote in the House of Representatives, this time on the Murray-Darling.
In the Senate on April 3, Senator Rex Patrick moved a motion calling on the Federal Government to support the urgent repeal of the 1,500 GL limit on Commonwealth water purchases, and seeking concurrence in the House of Representatives.
The motion passed the Senate 33 to 30 and was sent to the House of Representatives.
The vote in the House on the last day of Parliament was a very tight 72-72 but was ultimately successful because the Speaker followed precedent and supported the motion.
Senator Patrick said that this was an important, albeit symbolic, victory for the Murray.
"This was a win for science and a win for the River," said Rex. "It may also be a sign of what may come after the election should there be a change of Government."
Member for Mayo Rebekha Sharkie was pleased with the result but extremely disappointed with some of her South Australian colleagues in the House who voted against the motion.
"Centre Alliance is incredibly disappointed with Tony Pasin, Nicolle Flint, Christopher Pyne and Rowan Ramsey,” said Rebekha. "They voted on party lines and for big east coast irrigators and not our state."